mercoledì 28 febbraio 2018

The jungle book characters- by WIZ ART
 Opera painted by the children during graffiti workshop in preparation for carnival party in Azzano (BG) in Italy in 2018.

martedì 27 febbraio 2018

IL CORTILE - Beer area - by WIZ ART
 Opera painted in the beer area of Il Cortile pub restaurant in Seriate (BG) in Italy in 2017.

lunedì 26 febbraio 2018

IL CORTILE - Main area - Detail 3 - by WIZ ART
 Opera painted in the main area of Il Cortile pub restaurant in Seriate (BG) in Italy in 2017.

domenica 25 febbraio 2018

IL CORTILE - Main area - Detail 2 - by WIZ ART
 Opera painted in the main area of Il Cortile pub restaurant in Seriate (BG) in Italy in 2017.

sabato 24 febbraio 2018

IL CORTILE - Main area - Detail 1 - by WIZ ART
 Opera painted in the main area of Il Cortile pub restaurant in Seriate (BG) in Italy in 2017.

venerdì 23 febbraio 2018

IL CORTILE - Children area - Detail 2 - by WIZ ART
 Opera painted in the children area of Il Cortile pub restaurant in Seriate (BG) in Italy in 2017.

giovedì 22 febbraio 2018

IL CORTILE - Children area - Detail 1 - by WIZ ART
 Opera painted in the children area of Il Cortile pub restaurant in Seriate (BG) in Italy in 2017.

mercoledì 21 febbraio 2018

ITIS DALMINE - Window 2 - by WIZ ART
 Opera painted in Itis Marconi secondary school in Dalmine (BG) in Italy in 2018 during graffiti workshop.

martedì 20 febbraio 2018

ITIS DALMINE - Window 1 - by WIZ ART
 Opera painted in Itis Marconi secondary school in Dalmine (BG) in Italy in 2018 during graffiti workshop.

lunedì 19 febbraio 2018

The jungle book characters - by WIZ ART
 Opera painted on cellophane in Azzano (BG) in Italy in 2018 during carnival party.

domenica 18 febbraio 2018

Le petit prince - by WIZ ART
 Opera painted in Predore (BG) in Italy in 2018 for carnival party.

sabato 17 febbraio 2018

Dedicated to LEO - by WIZ ART
 A wall  painted in Verdellino (BG) in Italy in 2017 dedicated to Leo, a young boy dead in an accident while he was working.

venerdì 16 febbraio 2018

 A wood panel painted for Lifes ONLUS, association from Bergamo helping Chiapas. Mixedmedia opera of 38x75 cm painted focusing on the picture taken by photographer and volunteer G. Mignani in 2017.

giovedì 15 febbraio 2018

 Graffiti Body Painting: "Bubbles"
 Artist: WIZ
 Model: Vanaja C.

mercoledì 14 febbraio 2018

Harmony Suite Hotel - Tree house room - Detail 3 - by WIZ ART
 A wall of the suite called "house upon the tree" of Harmony Suite Hotel painted  in Selvino (BG) in Italy in 2017.

martedì 13 febbraio 2018

Harmony Suite Hotel - Tree house room - Detail 2 - by WIZ ART
 The walls of the suite called "house upon the tree" of Harmony Suite Hotel painted  in Selvino (BG) in Italy in 2017.

lunedì 12 febbraio 2018

Harmony Suite Hotel - Tree house room - Detail 1 - by WIZ ART
 One of the walls of the suite called "house upon the tree" of Harmony Suite Hotel painted  in Selvino (BG) in Italy in 2017.

domenica 11 febbraio 2018

Harmony Suite Hotel - Tree house room - by WIZ ART
 The walls of the suite called "house upon the tree" of Harmony Suite Hotel painted  in Selvino (BG) in Italy in 2017.

sabato 10 febbraio 2018

 Opera painted at the entrance of the secondary school of Alzano L. (BG) in Italy in 2017. 

venerdì 9 febbraio 2018

Harmony Suite Hotel - Play area - Detail 4 - by WIZ ART
 The walls of the play area room of Harmony Suite Hotel painted  in Selvino (BG) in Italy in 2017.

giovedì 8 febbraio 2018

Harmony Suite Hotel - Play area - Detail 3 - by WIZ ART
 Two walls of the play area room of Harmony Suite Hotel painted  in Selvino (BG) in Italy in 2017.

mercoledì 7 febbraio 2018

Harmony Suite Hotel - Play area - Detail 2 - by WIZ ART
 Two walls of the play area room of Harmony Suite Hotel painted  in Selvino (BG) in Italy in 2017.